Creating Your Long-Term Digital Footprint Strategy

2 mins read

The Challenge

A large pharma manufacturer with multi-therapeutics portfolio of products was looking to explore potential consolidation of digital assets across programs and make strategic changes to keep up and stay ahead of market trends. Newer and more complex products are planned to enter the customer’s portfolio, so there is a company-wide push to improve the overall technology-enabled experience.

  • Disparate teams that manage individual product patient support programs.
  • Lack of broad visibility into individual program decisions/components.
  • Ever-evolving technology components in the marketplace that make it difficult to keep up.
  • Newer, more complex products coming to market.

Goal: Understand where, how, and what digital solutions can play a role in transforming care across the landscape of mature and evolving digital capabilities.

Our Solutions

  • Mapping out existing internal and external (e.g., SP, health systems) digital footprint along treatment journey
  • Predictive analysis based on market trends and customer insights to create a future state digital footprint
  • Development of organizational roadmap based on uncovered priorities

The Results

  • 5 Year Plan: Paced investment strategy to gain leadership buy in
  • Solution ID: Where to invest and possibly with whom
  • ‘War Room’ Poster: Comprehensive current state view across programs
  • Cross Functional Synergies: Review of all programs identified potential cross product synergies

“We were able to hand this work off to our global digital partners as a template to use worldwide.”


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