Exploring the Experience with Autologous Cell Therapies (Part 2)

2 mins read

What Experience are you Designing for your cell therapy? Nuvera’s second infographic in a series of five focuses on highlighting how the experiences of patients, referring physicians, treatment centers, and the cells themselves relate to each other.

Mapping the details associated with the end-to-end treatment experience with ACTs is essential for a manufacturer to zero in on issues that are not only the most critical but also those they are most qualified to solve for (vs. trying to solve for everything). Our ACT Treatment Experience infographic will help shed some light on important considerations as you undertake this effort.

The ACT Treatment Experience infographic provides a broad overview of some of the areas where a biopharma manufacturer can influence the various elemental journeys with examples of inflection points requiring intervention or support in some form from your organization. Stay tuned for our next infographic which revolves around the functions and stakeholders involved across the ACT experience.

Download infographic The Complexities of the ACT-Treatment Experience

Note on Printing this Infographic: The optimal printing size for this graphic is 11×17 inch paper.
Who We Are: Nuvera LLC is a strategic consulting team focused exclusively on the rare disease and specialty therapeutics with over 10 years in helping our specialty pharma/biotech clients design exceptional treatment support experiences.